1. Native Android Development by edureka!
2. Native iOS Development by CodeWithChris
3. React Native by The Net Ninja
4. Flutter by freeCodeCamp
5. Ionic 4 by DesignCourse

web development
1. React by Academind
2. Angular 2 by Academind
3. Vue by Academind
4. MERN + GraphQL by Academind
5. Django by Corey Schaefer

data science
1. DataCamp - you can get a free 2-months subscription here
2. DataQuest - unfortunately, not all courses are available for free
3. CS109 Data Science by Harvard - full lecture content is uploaded
4. Machine Learning by Andrew Ng - for the fascinating math b.t.s.
5. Neural Networks by deeplearning.ai - for you DNN fans
swe interview prep
1. Back To Back SWE - over 50 comprehensive walk-through videos
2. LeetCode - built-in editor, hundreds of interview-style questions
3. Pramp - mock virtual interviews where you get to play both sides
4. InterviewCake - you get a free 6-weeks subscription here
5. GitHub Freebies - you really shouldn't do without this
6. Glider - fully-guided video solutions and built-in code editor
7. LeetCode Video Solutions - over 100 LeetCode explanations